The Maxwell Genealogy Forum


Title: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)
Posted by: matthew chenoweth
Date: 23 September 2005

a question for Anthony Maxwell resulting from this thread:

Can we assume that the accuracy of the records you strongly defend are not corrupted by title purchasing - as was so popular a century or so ago - or to record purging - also very popular, and with a history a number of centuries old?

I ask because I wrote an historical dissertation on it while at Harvard (i am also a geneaoligist for 20 years now and a member of the Jamestowne Society here) and would like to know that the Maxwell history isn't so tainted. I'm sure you can provide proof?

of course your help is greatly appreciated


Title:Date:Posted By:
James Maxwell (Born about 1697)26 January 2003Thomas S. (Maxwell)Romansky
     Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)27 December 2003Jennifer Foster
          Re:Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)28 December 2003Anthony Maxwell
               Re:Re:Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)03 January 2004Jennifer Foster
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)03 January 2004Anthony Maxwell
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)24 September 2004Jennifer Foster
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)23 September 2005matthew chenoweth
     Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)03 January 2004Jennifer Foster
          Re:Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)03 September 2004matthew chenoweth
               Re:Re:Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)24 September 2004Jennifer Foster
     Re:James Maxwell (Born about 1697)29 September 2005Pam Maxwell Griffith

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