The Maxwell Genealogy Forum


Title: Re:Maxwells Ireland, Canada, Isabella County., Michigan.
Posted by: Robert K. Maxwell
Date: 12 February 2006

My name is Robert K. Maxwell, my grandfather is originally from Lansing Michigan. He was the youngest of 13 children and moved to the Chicago area around 1927 or so. I only visited his relative in Michigan once. He had an older brother named Roy, who I believe was a Michigan State Troooper. I'm looking for relatives, if you can help please let me know.


Title:Date:Posted By:
Maxwells Ireland, Canada, Isabella County., Michigan.04 August 2001Constance Scheid
     Re:Maxwells Ireland, Canada, Isabella County., Michigan.20 January 2006M. Miller
     Re:Maxwells Ireland, Canada, Isabella County., Michigan.12 February 2006Robert K. Maxwell
          Re:Re:Maxwells Ireland, Canada, Isabella County., Michigan.10 April 2007megan maxwell
     Re:Maxwells Ireland, Canada, Isabella County., Michigan.10 September 2006Chris Carlson

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