The Maxwell Genealogy Forum


Title: Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon
Posted by: Peter den Brinker
Date: 08 March 2008


My name is Peter den Brinker.  My wife is related to "John Maxwell" and "Edwin Stanford Maxwell" and the family name Maxwell is continued in various forms.  The connection is via my wife's forebears and I can ibn the first instance foward a summary of the information I have.

If you wish to exchange information then please contact me.




Title:Date:Posted By:
John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon03 August 2001Lucy Maxwell
     Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon08 March 2008Peter den Brinker
          Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon02 May 2008Annette Robson
               Re:Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon27 May 2008Belinda Maxwell
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon18 July 2008Annette Robson
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon20 September 2008belinda
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon27 December 2020Annette Robson
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon09 August 2014Helen Formentin.
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon28 May 2008Peter den Brinker
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon18 July 2008Annette Robson
               Re:Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon28 May 2008Peter den Brinker
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon28 May 2008belinda maxwell
          Re:Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon27 May 2008Belinda Maxwell
     Re:John Maxwell, British Army Surgeon27 May 2008Belinda Maxwell

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