The Maxwell Genealogy Forum


Title: Re:Maxwell's out of Douglasville GA?
Posted by: William Guy Maxwell, III (Bill)
Date: 05 May 2008


I was born and raised in Douglas County, Georgia.

My great, great grandfather was a doctor in Douglas County and was a surgeon in the Civil War. His descendants all lived in Douglas County, of which Douglasville is the county seat.

I'm not sure if we're talking about the same person (your grandfather), but I can remember as a kid (late 1950's or so) being on St. Simon's Island in south Georgia and seeing my name written in the sand on the beach! Quite a surprise. We later learned that the local Ten Cent store was owned by distant kinfolks, the Maxwells. Probably one and the same.


Title:Date:Posted By:
Maxwell's out of Douglasville GA?02 May 2008Robert Benjamin Maxwell III
     Re:Maxwell's out of Douglasville GA?05 May 2008William Guy Maxwell, III (Bill)
          Re:Re:Maxwell's out of Douglasville GA?26 January 2009Bill Maxwell
          Re:Re:Maxwell's out of Douglasville GA?07 August 2009Debby Marsh
               Re:Re:Re:Maxwell's out of Douglasville GA?20 August 2009Lottie Pearson Vandergaw
               Re:Re:Re:Maxwell's out of Douglasville GA?09 August 2016jenifer reich
     Re:Maxwell's out of Douglasville GA?20 August 2009Lottie Pearson Vandergaw
          Re:Re:Maxwell's out of Douglasville GA?15 November 2013Debby Marsh
          Re:Re:Maxwell's out of Douglasville GA?20 January 2019Joe Norman

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