The Maxwell Genealogy Forum


Title: Re:william bedwell maxwell
Posted by: Bill Greenwell
Date: 27 July 2008

Jen -

Like Gordon Smith's wife, I'm another descendant of WBM - my grandmother was the youngest daughter of Clement Meuron Maxwell (the same line as Gordon's wife, whose link is through my grandmother's brother, Tom).

There are three researchers in England - Sue Edwards, John Phalp, and Chris(tine) Sibbald - who are pretty knowledgeable about the Maxwell family, with whom I've been in touch since about 1998. Ironically, each of them, like Gordon, is married to the Maxwell descendant.

If you haven't been in touch with Chris or Sue, then I can let you know a lot more, including a copy of WBM's father's will.

What were the names/ dobs of Eliza Burns's siblings? And what became of them?

Bill Greenwell


Title:Date:Posted By:
william bedwell maxwell23 August 2005Jen Harrison
     Re:william bedwell maxwell28 May 2006Gordon Smith
     Re:william bedwell maxwell27 July 2008Bill Greenwell
          Re:Re:william bedwell maxwell30 July 2008Jen Harrison
               Re:Re:Re:william bedwell maxwell31 August 2008Bill Greenwell

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