The Maxwell Genealogy Forum


Title: Sam W. Maxwell-John L.. Maxwell ,Jackson Co. Ala.
Posted by: Julie Maxwell Perdue
Date: 26 February 2004

I am searching for the parents of this John L. Maxwell b.Dec. 1882 d.Nov. 1918.He married Mona Smith.4 children Myrtle,Sam, Edna, Ottie. John died and same month Mona married Wiley Sampson he had been married before and had 2 children then he and Mona hadRobbie,unkwon,Farrell,Bernice.These last carried the sampson name. I have info on most all of this family except who are John's parents and I think I have John's g-parents Levi K.Maxwell and Lucinda Elden. Any help would be appreciated. I am the grand daughter of Sam and never knew anthing about him or his family.

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