The Maxwell Genealogy Forum


Title: Re:Maxwell & McCann
Posted by: Michael D. McCann
Date: 12 March 2004


The street you mention is 40 Roxborough Street, Greenock. If you look on and search Great Britain using Post Code/ Zip Code PA15 4LT you will see that is still exists. In the early to mid 1990's I stayed just off Roxborough Street and lots of people thought I was part of the McCann's who lived locally - although I'm not. As they have lived locally for a long time a good place to start is the local Roman Catholic Parish. If you contact the local parish priest you may well find that he can point you to the right family or can look up the baptismal records. I'm really sorry but I forget what the parish chapel is called - I do remember it is opposite Orangefield Baptist Church and I think the road may be called Orangefield??

Good luck with your search.


Title:Date:Posted By:
Maxwell & McCann 05 January 2003Bill Conklin
     Re:Maxwell & McCann 12 March 2004Michael D. McCann

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