The Maxwell GenealogyForum

Title: Re:thomas maxwell of virginia and georgia by helen maxwell longine
Posted by: Jeff Maxwell
Date: 05 February 2007

Hi Cindy I was mistaken in my other reply about which book you were talking about ,sorry. The book I have gives credit to the book you are looking for as being a reference but is a different book . It does have a lot of information though . In her posting to you Lynn Maxwell mentioned the public library in Milledgeville GA and I know of a copy of the book you are seeking is located at the San Antonio Genealogical Society in TX .The spelling of the author's last name is Longino though. I hope this has been helpful.


Title:Date:Posted By:
thomas maxwell of virginia and georgia by helen maxwell longine19 July 2004cindy pound
     Re:thomas maxwell of virginia and georgia by helen maxwell longine27 October 2006Lynn Maxwell
     Re:thomas maxwell of virginia and georgia by helen maxwell longine17 January 2007Jeff Maxwell
          Re:Re:thomas maxwell of virginia and georgia by helen maxwell longine26 March 2007Tom Maxwell
          Re:Re:thomas maxwell of virginia and georgia by helen maxwell longine09 September 2008Phill Maxwell
     Re:thomas maxwell of virginia and georgia by helen maxwell longine05 February 2007Jeff Maxwell
     Re:thomas maxwell of virginia and georgia by helen maxwell longine10 April 2007megan maxwell

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